Den 10 oktober anordnar The Reader en internationell konferens på The Mansion strax utanför Liverpool där organisationen har sin hemvist. Det är ett spännande program och besökaren får träffa, förutom Katie Clark som leder The Reader, de fantastiska läsledarna och utbildarna Esther Hirsch och Grace Frame. När man är på plats kan man också passa på att gå en läsledarutbildning den 7-9 oktober.
Se mer på följande länk:
eller läs här:
There’s an enormous comfort knowing
we all live under this same sky,
whether in New York or Dhaka,
we see the same sun and same moon.
(from Under This Sky by Zia Hyder)
You are invited to The Reader’s International Conference 2024.
Thursday 10 October, 9am-5.30pm
International Centre for Shared Reading at Calderstones Park, LiverpoolThis event is for anyone who is interested in our work. Whether you’re completely new to Shared Reading or an experienced Reader Leader already, our doors are open, and the welcome is warm! Meet with other readers interested in the benefits of reading and wellbeing as well as meeting those already delivering Shared Reading in their own countries in a variety of settings. There’s something for everyone, from sharing best practice to getting to know more about The Reader, our work and research, and how we can all work together more.
Our home is located in Liverpool’s beautiful and historic Calderstones Park. There’ll be opportunity to explore the Mansion House and the Storybarn – our dedicated playspace for children – and choose an area of our work you would like to find more about (children and young people, mental health and criminal justice and those living with dementia). There will also be plenty of Shared Reading, refreshments and the opportunity to meet our Director of Literature, Katie Clark, Dr Grace Frame, Dr Esther Harsh and Dirk Terryn from Het Lezerscollectief.
Tickets are £240. As a current International Partner, we’re offering you a discount of 10% (use the promo code CHAPTER10) to make the price £216. Below you can find a brief outline of the day’s events but please see this handy PDF for more detail.
We’d love to see you there.Book now
While you’re here: Read to Lead Training
Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 October
Read to Lead is The Reader’s flagship training course and has been successfully delivered across the world. The week of the conference, we are holding an in-person Read to Lead course at Calderstones, where you will learn about the power of Shared Reading and be fully equipped with all of the necessary skills, knowledge and resources that you need to be able to successfully deliver your own Shared Reading groups with confidence and impact.
A powerful tool for personal reflection as well as improving wellbeing, Read to Lead will not only enrich your own experience and practice of what it means to be a reader in the fullest sense of the word but will also provide you with innovative, transferable leadership and facilitation skills.
The cost for the Read to Lead would be an additional £1070.To book, please….Find out more about Read to LeadProgramme for the Day9am – 9.30am Registration and Welcome 9.30am – 10.30am Our Story So Far 10.30am – 10.45am Coffee Break 10.45am – 12pm Shared Reading- Session One 12pm – 1pm Lunch & Mansion House Tour 1pm – 2.15pm Our Work. Choose a session based on your particular interest: Shared Reading with Children and Young People Mental Health and Criminal Justice People Living with Dementia 2.15pm – 2.30pm Coffee Break 2.30pm – 4pm Our Research. Choose a session based on your particular interest: Noticing Individuals: What can we learn from listening to our group members? Navigating Painful Moments: How can Shared Reading provide a tool for living well? Your Story Matters: A Closer Look at Shared Reading and Dementia in Belgium with Het Lezerscollectief Storybarn Experience & Tour 4pm – 4.15pm Coffee Break 4.15pm – 5.15pm Shared Reading- Session Two 5.15pm – 5.30pm Reflecting on the day The Reader is supported by![]()